Dani Dilkes (she/her)

eLearning and Curriculum Specialist
519.661.2111 x81218



PhD Candidate, Curriculum & Pedagogy; Knowledge Media Design (University of Toronto)
MEd, Applied Linguistics (Open University)
MSc, Social Anthropology (University of Edinburgh)
B.Cmp., Software Design (Queen’s University)

Dani Dilkes joined the Centre for Teaching and Learning as an eLearning and Curriculum Specialist in July 2023. She brings with her over 12 years of interdisciplinary experience supporting digital innovation in higher education, including leading the design and development of blended and online programs and courses for English for Academic Purposes (EAP), Undergraduate Medical Education, and, most recently, graduate programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Dani’s approach to this work sits at the intersection of inclusive design and critical digital pedagogy, rooted in the belief that the meaningful and considerate integration of technology can create more equitable learning environments. She is also currently a doctoral student at the University of Toronto where her research focuses on emerging postdigital practices and designing better, more inclusive, futures for higher education. Her other areas of expertise and interest include alternative assessment design and open pedagogy.