Curriculum Review Support Resources

The CTL Curriculum Team offers four options for completing two components of the IQAP self-study: writing program learning outcomes (choose from 3 options below) and curriculum mapping (option 4 below). Choose the option below that fits best with your program's needs. Our team is here to discuss these processes at

Writing Program Learning Outcomes: Options 1-3

Make your selection by asking yourself two questions:

Do we have program learning outcomes (PLOs) that are a reasonable reflection of the learning in our department's modules?

If No, are we prioritizing efficiency right now over a more faculty-driven process this year?

Undergraduate Curriculum Mapping Online: Option 4

Use this option if you:

  • Have completed writing program learning outcomes
  • Have sought and integrated feedback from faculty members on those program learning outcomes
  • Want to develop Curriculum Maps for your modules

If Yes to all, select Option 4: Undergraduate Curriculum Mapping Online


Contact and Response Guidelines

For questions and queries related to curriculum processes, please contact us at:

The guidelines provided here are our ideal timelines to individual curriculum requests. Our ability to accommodate requests within this timeframe may be impacted by the time of year. Our ability to accommodate requests for meetings is limited in August, early September and in May, due to the high volume of new faculty and TA programs during these months.

Email response to
  • 5-10 days
Providing feedback on: draft learning outcomes; data collection plans; retreat plans
  • 2-4 weeks
Individual consultations: curriculum mapping; new program development
  • 2-4 weeks
Retreat planning and requests for facilitation
  • 2-3 months