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Part 2: Independent Storyboarding (Asynchronous Option)
Please note: Part 2: Independent Storyboarding (Asynchronous Option) will take 2 hours to complete.
Storyboard your current course design (40 minutes)
In this section, you will storyboard aspects of your current course design. Set a timer for 40 minutes, and see how far you can get on storyboarding your learning types, instructional activities, and assessments. If you find yourself deliberating over a single card, make a note to yourself and move on. Your goal in this activity is to paint the forest, not to paint the details of a single tree.
Storyboard Learning Types (ABC Video 5)
Your turn! Storyboard your course learning types by creating cards for each week in the list. Refer to your syllabus to help map out week by week. Note that after you complete this step, you’ll move on to storyboarding instructional activities. If you like, you can combine storyboarding learning types and storyboarding instructional activities, or do them in succession.
Storyboard Instructional Activities (ABC Video 6)
You may find that the lines between learning types are blurred at times, prompting you to pick more than one. That's okay! There's no single right way to make the storyboard, just go with your best judgment. We also recommend adding assessments as learning activities (because we certainly hope that they do involve learning!), including presentations, labs, exams, and discussions.
Your turn! Storyboard your course learning activities by creating cards for each week in the list.
Storyboard assessments (ABC Video 7)
Your turn! Use the labels in Trello to mark which cards have associated formative and summative assessments.
Storyboard Your New Course Design (50 minutes)
Now it's time to look at your current course design, reflect on some changes you would like to make, and make them! Set your timer for 50 minutes to complete the storyboard of the online or blended version of your course.
Reflecting on Your Storyboard (ABC Video 8)
Your turn! Consider the following reflection questions, zooming out and in as needed:
- Are you satisfied with the layout?
- Are there certain instructional methods that you have not found an online equivalent?
- Are there learning types that you should be more prominent given your learning outcomes?
- Are the assessments placed in a way that is reasonable for your students' workload?
Reorganize your cards and revise instructional methods and assessments as needed. Add new cards representing additional learning types, or remove cards that no longer seem relevant.
Have a look at your board and add future course design to the learning activities map. Add your initial course learning activities back in and identify any differences. Did your course learning types change?
Next steps for your storyboard (10 minutes)
You've now completed ABC Online Course Design, but you don't have to be done with your course Trello board. Continue to iterate on your course design and your storyboard - we have some ideas on how you can do so below.
Next Steps for Your Storyboard (ABC Video 9)
How did the storyboarding process work for you? Let us know!
Complete our voluntary feedback survey here.
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