Inclusive Teaching Community of Practice


The purpose of our Community of Practice is creating a safe, brave, vulnerable, empowering, supportive space in which people can share practices, literature and lived experience related to inclusive teaching and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). We invite anyone interested in inclusive teaching, no matter how much experience or knowledge you have on inclusive teaching frameworks. This is a place to learn together.

What to expect

This community is a welcoming group of folks from across campus who are interested in inclusive teaching and Universal Design for Learning. In our meetings, we share our own practices, successes, and failures, provide support to each other, share resources, and learn together. Typically, we have some community building activities, a discussion question or two, and opportunities for folks to share. You will be invited to participate in whatever way is comfortable for you in the session. Currently, we are meeting for 1 hour a month.

2024-25 Meetings

Session Information

Upcoming Sessions

  • Monday, July 8, 2:00 – 3:00pm
  • Tuesday, August 6, 1:00 – 2:00pm


Typically meets once a month.


Instructors, librarians and archivists, staff, and graduate students interested in creating more inclusive learning environments at Western.

How to Join

Register for one of the monthly one-hour Inclusive Teaching CoP meetings through the Centre for Teaching and Learning's Western Connect Event Calendar, or contact Dani Dilkes.  

Registration Instructions

  1. Login to Western Connect using your Western username and password.
  2. Go to the Event Calendars section and select the Centre for Teaching and Learning calendar, then select the program you wish to register in. Details and a description of the program will appear.
  3. Search for and select the event you wish to register in. Details and a description of the program will appear.
  4. Select the Register for this Event button. If the event has reached capacity, you may have the option to register on the waitlist.
  5. You will receive an automated confirmation email to your Western email account. 

If you have any questions or problems registering for an event, please consult our help guide or contact

Applies to following certificate

Faculty Certificate in Teaching Excellence

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