Faculty Showcase

Spring Perspectives on Teaching Conference - May 9 & 10, 2022

To view full conference details, please visit here.

Faculty Showcase - May 10, 2022 2:30PM TO 3:30PM

Join us for a Q&A discussion with Western instructors to ask questions and learn about diverse assessment types, approaches to UDL in teaching and course design, and the intersection of the two. Be sure to review their resources and videos beforehand!

Anatomy -- Considerations for "lecturing" in an online, asynchronous, large class [4.5 min]

Danielle Brewer-Deluce (Kinesiology)
Katelyn Wood (Kinesiology)

Redesigning undergraduate laboratories with Universal Design of Learning in mind [7.5 min]

Oana Birceanu (Physiology and Pharmacology)
Angela Beye (Physiology and Pharmacology)
Anita Woods (Physiology and Pharmacology)

Assignment Scaffolding and Differentiating in the course A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies [7 min]

Rosa Cendros Araujo (Teacher Education Office)

Using Students’ Self Assessed Readiness to Build Professional Competencies [7 min]

Deanna Friesen (Education)

How to Assign 22 Textbooks for a Seminar Class and Survive! [7 min]

John Hatch (Visual Arts)

Reflecting on the Assessment of Student Perceptions of Ungrading [8 min]

Katherine Lawless Centre for Global Studies (Huron)
Mandy Penney (Lead Educational Developer, Digital Pedagogies and Writing Across the Curriculum; Centre for Teaching and Learning; University of Alberta)

The Climate Change Challenge: An Assessment to Promote Student Engagement and Action [9 min]

Katrina Moser (Geography and Environment)
Beth Hundey (CTL and Geography and Environment)