Academic Integrity
Western University provides resources to support faculty members and graduate teaching assistants to ensure the academic integrity of all of our programs. On this page you will find a list of resources that will be useful for you to employ in the classroom.
The recent introduction of ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies presents new challenges and opportunities for conversations about Academic Integrity at Western. While Turnitin has recently added an AI-generated content detection tool, it’s important to note that this feature is largely untested, reports false positives (i.e., sometimes identifies student content as AI generated), and cannot provide evidence to support why it identified AI content in a student submission. At this time, instructors should not rely solely on this tool to determine if student work contains improper use of AI generated content. See What Do I Need to Know about Academic Integrity and AI such as ChatGPT? for more information about this tool and teaching and learning around ChatGPT in general.
What is Academic Integrity?
Academic integrity is the system of values that shape institutional policies on cheating and plagiarism. These values are also reflected in the way the university community sets and maintains academic standards and upholds expectations of honesty and rigour in research and publishing.
The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) defines academic integrity as “a commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. …these five values, plus the courage to act on them even in the face of adversity, are truly foundational to the academy. Without them, everything that we do in our capacities as teachers, learners, and researchers loses value and becomes suspect … Rather than thinking of them merely as abstract principles, we advocate using the fundamental values to inform and improve ethical decision-making capacities and behavior. The fundamental values enable academic communities to translate their ideals into action.”
- See The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity (2014) guidebook for expanded descriptions of these core values.
What are Western's Academic Policies on Academic Misconduct?
The University Secretariat website provides the policies on scholastic discipline for undergraduate and graduate students. These documents define scholastic offences (e.g., plagiarism, cheating, etc.) and the procedures for dealing with them.
- Undergraduate Students – Scholastic Discipline
- Graduate Students – Scholastic Discipline
- Scholastic Discipline Process Chart
Sharing Academic Policies with Students
A Statement on Academic Offences is a required component of all Western course syllabi. The template wording can be found in the Academic Handbook policy on Course Outlines.
Faculties and departments act independently when it comes to general education and awareness of academic integrity issues. Many departments provide information beyond the definition outlined in the Academic Handbook in order to clarify guidelines within their discipline-specific context, and to ensure that undergraduate students have a firm understanding of academic misconduct. Some examples are provided below:
- Department of Computer Science - Scholastic Offences
- Department of Modern Languages and Literatures - Academic Policies
- Department of Philosophy - Student Information
- Faculty of Law - Academic Policies and Procedures
Promoting and Supporting Academic Integrity
How Do I Promote Academic Integrity Among My Students?
Top 5 Strategies
What Do I Need to Know about Academic Integrity and AI Content Generators Such as ChatGPT?
AI content generators are currently disrupting how we think about teaching and learning, much as the invention of the calculator and the internet did in the past.
There are three areas of academic integrity that we can focus on while negotiating the new ways that this technology will become part of our lives and our teaching. They are outlined in the “Ideas and Strategies for Academic Integrity and ChatGPT/AI” section below. All three strategies align with our Top 5 Strategies for Supporting Academic Integrity in the above section—simply substitute the word “plagiarism” for “AI Content Generators.
- Talk to Your Students
- Minimize Tasks that Can be Accomplished Using AI Technologies
- Incorporate ChatGPT/AI into Activities and Assessments
For more details on Academic Integrity and Generative AI, check out our Online Generative AI Modules. Module 2 focuses on Academic Integrity and Ethics. We also frequently run a workshop focused on Generative AI and Academic Integrity. See our upcoming workshops here.
Will Turnitin’s AI Content Detection Tool Conclusively Identify AI-Generated Content in Student Work?
In short, no. In fact, there are currently no tools that will conclusively and accurately demonstrate whether there is AI-generated content in a written submission. We advocate that instructors avoid using this and other AI checker tools until such time as they improve in accuracy, transparency, and reporting procedures.
Here is what you need to know about Turnitin’s AI Detection tool:
- This AI detection technology was rapidly developed and trained on an older version of ChatGPT. It was “turned on” in Turnitin with no opportunity for institutions to review how it functions, and it has not been tested at scale.
- Turnitin clearly states that the tool reports false positives (i.e., identifies AI-generated content where there is none) and is more likely to report false positives in students where English is not a first language. Until the tool has been used at scale in real-world applications, the extent to which false positives will occur and in which populations remains unknown.
- Turnitin AI reports identify where AI-generated content may exist in a written submission, but it cannot provide evidence to support its identification of AI-generated content (unlike plagiarism detection software, which provides a link to the source of the plagiarized content). This means there is no way to verify whether a report has identified a false positive or an actual instance of AI content.
- Students are unable to access their own reports, unlike with the plagiarism detection tool where they see their own Originality report.
Ideas and Strategies for Academic Integrity and ChatGPT/AI
What Technology Do Western Faculty Use to Support Academic Integrity?
Additional Resources on Academic Integrity
Research on Academic Integrity
If you need individual support in promoting academic integrity, please contact the CTL.