Grading Strategies

Parts of this article have been adapted with permission from the Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University.

Grading is perhaps one of the most time consuming and arguably most disliked activities of the professoriate. Grading excellent assignments can be exhilarating and rewarding, but sometimes, assignments are mediocre, off track, unfocused, poorly written and generally disappointing.

Grading can eat up as much time as you want to give it, but the results may not be any better for the extra time you have spent. Grading a large number of papers can leave you exhausted and discouraged. New faculty members in particular can fall into a grading trap, where far too much of their allocated teaching time is spent on grading. As well, after the graded assignments have been handed back, there may be a rush of students wanting either to contest the grade, or understand why they got a particular grade, which takes up even more of the instructor’s time.

It doesn’t have to be this way! With some planning, preparation and sound grading strategies in hand, grading can go smoothly and efficiently, provide good learning opportunities for the students and good information for the instructor about the student learning (or lack of) taking place in the course. Ultimately, you do not need to choose between superficial, minimal grading and a complex grading system that leaves you and your TAs overwhelmed. With the right strategies and techniques, you can both give your students frequent feedback, graded and ungraded, while still maintaining some semblance of a social life.

Grading Guidelines

Undergraduate Grading Guidelines

General grading guidelines for undergraduate work is available in the Marks/Grades for Undergraduate Students policy.

Grading guidelines are intended to specify what quality of work is required to achieve specific grades within a course. For most undergraduate courses, letter grades indicate the following percentages. Descriptors have also been created to indicate the level of work expected of students within these grade ranges.

  • A+ (90 - 100%) – One could scarcely expect better from a student at this level
  • A (80 - 89%) – Superior work which is clearly above average
  • B (70 - 79%) – Good work, meeting all requirements, and eminently satisfactory
  • C (60 - 69%) – Competent work that meets requirements
  • D (50 - 59%) – Fair work, minimally acceptable
  • F (<50%) – Below expectations, or assigned when course is dropped with academic penalty

Graduate Grading Guidelines

Guidelines for grading graduate work are set out in the Academic Handbook in the section Grading Scale for Graduate Students.

  • A – 80 - 100%
  • B – 70 - 79%
  • C – 60 - 69%
  • F – 00 - 59%

Some academic units may also provide more detailed grading guidelines and descriptions of what is expected of student work. Check with your departmental administrator for any existing grading guidelines within your unit.

Developing Your Grading Techniques

How do you begin to implement grading practices that are effective, efficient and meaningful for you and your students? The following sections provide some suggestions regarding how to develop your grading to help prevent overwork, while still dealing efficiently with all the student assignments that you need to grade, and giving your students the feedback that will help them in their next assignments.

Assignment Basics

Grading can be particularly difficult if the assignment did not produce what you expected, or did not reveal the learning that you hoped was taking place in the course. Grading these kinds of assignments is even more time consuming than normal, because the students have missed what you hoped they had learned and so none of their work is what you expected. This situation quickly becomes messy because you are forced to adjust your thinking and grading to accommodate the flaws in your assignment design.

Accordingly, one way to avoid this situation is to have clear learning outcomes for your course, and for your assignments. Make sure assignments are tied in some way to the material covered in your lectures or the required readings.  In other words, grade what you teach.

That’s not to say that students should be limited to your lectures and course texts – you can certainly expect them to stretch, to demonstrate their understanding of the content you have been covering. The best students will do this anyway, but a well-constructed assignment will allow some of the middle-of-the-road students to stretch as well.

Another basic strategy that comes into play here is to ensure that students are clear about your expectations for every assignment. A one-page handout detailing your expectations can go a long way to making sure that all the students understand what they need to produce, in the format that you require.  This is particularly important if you are using gateway requirements, as described in section 3.

Finally, one other assignment basic suggested by Walvoord and Johnson (2010, 105) is to “look at the physical and logistical aspects of grading”, and “ask students to organize their work for your efficiency”. Do papers fall apart due to the use of paper clips? Do you have to search through the paper to ensure all the parts are there before you start marking? You can eliminate this kind of time-wasting work by having the students complete a checklist to attach to the assignment. Walvoord and Johnson (2010, 105) suggest your checklist could include things like:

  • If hard copy, the assignment is stapled, not paper-clipped.
  • If electronic, the assignment is submitted in Word as an attachment, labeled with the assignment and the student’s name (e.g. Essay 2, Jones).
  • A Title page and Table of Contents are provided.
  • A complete and properly formatted Reference List is provided.
  • Charts, graphs and tables are all numbered and properly labeled.

Rethink Formative Assessment

“The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. More specifically, formative assessments:

  • help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work
  • help faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately.

Formative assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no point value. Examples of formative assessments include asking students to:

  • draw a concept map in class to represent their understanding of a topic
  • submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture
  • turn in a research proposal for early feedback.”
(Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation, 2018)

There are several ways to incorporate more formative assessments into your class that do not add significantly to your workload, but give students and instructors the critical feedback that they need. Discussion-oriented activities in the classroom enable students to practice course-related skills and demonstrate comprehension of the material, while not requiring formal grading. For these kinds of activities, students can receive valuable verbal (and sometimes written) feedback from professors, TAs, and other students. The incorporation of classroom response systems like PressWestern can also serve to engage students while giving students a sense of how they’re doing in the course, and giving instructors an opportunity to assess student-learning. These types of feedback-providing activities are especially valuable in classes in which the first graded assignments are not returned to students for several weeks.

Rethink Summative Assessment

When most instructors think or talk about the burden of grading, summative assessment is what is usually meant. But what exactly is summative assessment, and how does it differ from formative assessment?

"The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Summative assessments are often high stakes, which means that they have a high point value. Examples of summative assessments include:

  • a midterm exam
  • a final project
  • a paper
  • a senior recital."
(Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation, 2018)

Following are a number of ideas for rethinking or handling the summative assessments that you incorporate into your courses.

Ensure Grading Consistency

If you are grading a large number of papers, it is easy to drift into grading either easier or harder as time goes on.  Grading inconsistency can be a headache, because you can be sure that students will compare their grades and will complain if they perceive unfair grading. There are a few strategies you can use to avoid this.

Should I grade on a curve?

The short answer is, don’t.

Norm-referenced grading is known colloquially as “curving grades”, since the statistical calculations underlying the process are based on the assumption that student grades in a given class will vary enough to fall along a normal distribution. While norm-referenced grading can control for situations beyond students’ control (i.e. poorly constructed tests), the disadvantages of norm-referenced grading exceed the advantages.

The alternative to norm-referenced grading is criterion-referenced grading, where student performance is assessed against an established standard. A criterion-referenced approach allows for better differentiation amongst students and is a much fairer system to demonstrate student learning. Walvoord and Johnson (2010, 122) comment that you want your students “to believe that they and their classmates can be rewarded for outstanding effort and achievement. You want to be free to help and encourage all of them to their highest possible levels of achievement. Furthermore, we recommend setting standards for student work that represent your best judgment of what they need to know, and what they can achieve with their best effort and your best teaching”.

Benjamin Bloom (an educational psychologist and the namesake of Bloom's Taxonomy) wrote in 1981 that: “The normal curve is a distribution most appropriate to chance and random activity. Education is a purposeful activity, and we seek to have students learn what we would teach. Therefore, if we are effective, the distribution of grades will be anything but a normal curve.”

Walvoord and Johnson (2010, 122) note that faculty sometimes exaggerate the pressures to grade to a curve. They recommend that instructors take a good look at what the perceived problem is, and consider other ways to manage it. Do you tend to give too many A grades, or too few D and F grades? In such cases, it is possible to change the grading profile of your course with other strategies, such as raising your standards, so that A grades are harder to achieve and are reserved for truly outstanding work.

Grading by Teaching Assistants

Teaching assistants come with different teaching skill sets and life experiences. Some of them are mature, effective teachers, while others are preparing to teach their first class. Teaching assistants are often tasked with grading, especially in large classes, but they come to that activity with vastly different conceptions of what effective grading looks like, and how one can grade effectively in a reasonable amount of time.

First of all, how do you ensure that your TAs are all on the same page and doing their jobs well? A good starting point is to refer to the Western Guide to Working with Teaching Assistants.

With respect to grading in particular, one common undergraduate complaint, especially in large classes, is with regard to inconsistency in grading. Most instructors will recognize the refrain, “My TA is an unfair grader! Can I change sections?” Indeed, it can be frustrating for undergraduates who believe that they are the victim of the “tough grader,” and are receiving worse grades than their friends despite handing in comparable work. So how do you ensure consistency and mitigate undergraduate charges of unfairness?

Handling Grade Complaints

In most classes, large or small, grade complaints are inevitable. However, the issue can become more pronounced when a couple of upset students becomes a dozen or more. How can you best deal with grading complaints?

Keep Track of Grading Hours

One final thought about grading strategies is to keep track of how much time you spend grading, on which assignments, and assess if you are spending your grading time wisely. You need to be a bit ruthless to ensure that the time spent grading is worthwhile in terms of the overall content of your course, and the weight of your assignments. For instance, if you are spending as much time grading assignments worth only 5-10% of the overall grade as you are grading essays worth 40%, then you need to adjust something to make your grading hours more effective. You could eliminate some or all of those lower-weighted assignments from your course, grade them differently (perhaps with a light grading approach as described in section 3) or, if you think they are that important, make those assignments worth a larger portion of the final grade.

In terms of papers and essays, keep track of how much time you are spending on grading the entire set of papers, and then figure out how much time you spend, on average, on each paper. This will give you a benchmark to work with – if you think you are spending too much time per paper, then institute some of the strategies suggested here to see if you can reduce the overall time spent marking. This will give you more time to devote to preparing, teaching, mentoring students, and helping weaker students either one-on-one or in small peer groups. Remember, grading is only one way to give feedback to your students, and you might prefer to lessen the amount of time spent marking and increase the amount of time you have to actually talk to, and guide, your students face-to-face.


If you would like to talk in more detail about grading strategies, rubrics or norm-referenced grading, please contact one of our assessment specialists.