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Centre for Teaching and Learning
Weldon Library (WL), Room 200
(519) 661-2111 x80346
Teaching Fellows
Western’s Teaching Fellows are outstanding educators who, in partnership with the Centre for Teaching and Learning, provide educational leadership to the university community, perform research on teaching and learning, and disseminate the outcomes of their work locally, nationally and internationally.
Faculty-Specific Initiatives
The Faculty-specific Teaching Fellows carry-out educational leadership and innovation projects in areas such as eLearning, experiential learning, Indigenization and decolonization, and sustainability and climate change education, among others. They are partially seconded to the CTL for a three-year term and receive funding to develop, implement, and conduct research on the impacts of their innovations. They also support educational excellence within their own Faculties by mentoring colleagues, coordinating workshops, facilitating learning communities, and providing other instructional development opportunities.
2024-2027 Teaching Fellows Cohort
Project Description
Ashley's project titled, Transformative Pedagogies: Nurturing Cultural Humility through Epistemic Justice Education for Culturally Safe Healthcare Practice, seeks to foster 'epistemological diversity' and address biases in nursing curricula and allied health curricula, to support health professional student competency development in practicing cultural humility. This teaching innovation project aims to equip health professional students with tools for practicing cultural humility through an epistemic justice learning module. The overarching goal is to evaluate how teaching students to use an epistemic justice lens to guide their professional practice influences students' perceptions of cultural humility in their workplaces, fostering the establishment of culturally safe healthcare spaces. This project aims to advance major decolonial reforms in healthcare education by incorporating epistemic justice principles, fostering cultural humility, and disseminating findings to contribute to the broader discourse on equitable healthcare practices.
Pam McKenzie
Information and Media Studies
- Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Project Description
2022-2025 Teaching Fellows Cohort

Lauren Tribe
- Associate Professor, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
- x88849
Project Description
Lauren’s project, Impact of Active Learning on Student Enrolment, Engagement and Career Pathways in Chemical Engineering, involves a complete redesign of a core course in Chemical Engineering to:
- reflect current, varied career applications of the discipline, and
- integrate active pedagogies to support student engagement, learning, and career preparation.
Specifically, the course focus will shift from the traditional application of course principles to the oil and gas industry and modernize it to the varied career applications more accurately reflected in the current industry landscape (e.g., health care, the food industry). The course also will move from the traditional lecture format to a case-based pedagogy, with a focus on the application of core concepts to varied industries and the development of teamwork skills fundamental to those industries.
To achieve these outcomes, Lauren will work with alumni and industry partners to design realistic cases and demonstrations reflecting the varied industries in which program graduates eventually find employment. Lauren will also establish a research program to assess the impact of the course redesign on student engagement, skill development, knowledge acquisition and application, and career pathways. Finally, Lauren will build capacity for employing case studies, teamwork, and other active learning strategies within Engineering through professional development opportunities for faculty colleagues such as consultations, workshops, and training resources.
Project Description

Charys Martin
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
- Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology
- x87128
Project Description
Project Description
University-wide Initiatives

Mike Atkinson
- Associate Professor, Psychology
- x84644 - Contact about: Active Learning, Large Class Teaching, Assessment
Mike is an expert on large class instruction and the use of multimedia in the classroom. He is a recipient of the University Students' Council Teaching Award of Excellence (1996), the 3M National Teaching Fellowship (1998), and a multi-year recipient of the Western Psychology Association Psychology Professor of the Year Award.

Nicole Campbell
- Associate Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology and Director of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences
- x82773
Dr. Nicole Campbell is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology and the Director of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University. She teaches undergraduate students and is leading a new course-based MSc in interdisciplinary medical sciences. She has received several awards for teaching and innovation, including the Marilyn Robinson Award for Teaching Excellence in 2019 and the Schulich Excellence in Education Award (2021). She has also been one of Western’s Teaching Fellows and Experiential Learning Scholars. Dr. Campbell’s scholarly interests include supporting student mental health and embedding skill development in the curriculum.
Previous Teaching Fellows
Dan Belliveau (Health Sciences)
Associate Professor, School of Health Studies
Dan's Teaching Fellowship focused on the development of a MOOC (massive open online course) to facilitate the transition into the discipline of Health Science for first-year students admitted to Western.
Angela Borchert (Arts & Humanities)
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Angela developed an e-portfolio-based curriculum in intercultural communication in the context of a community of practice in Modern Languages and Literatures. With e-portfolio templates, Arts & Humanities students created individual learning plans, demonstrate learning outcomes and showcase creative critical thinking.
Ralph Buchal (Engineering)
Associate Professor, Engineering
Ralph's project involved developing tools to engage students in computer-supported collaborative knowledge building in face-to-face, blended and online courses, using a design-based research methodology.
Michael Buzzelli (Social Science)
Associate Professor, Geography
Mike provided new work-integrated and professional experiences for senior undergraduate students. Adopting a ‘tech transfer for the social sciences’ spirit, he integrated campus and community using pedagogical approaches that include: (1) term-length student group projects that are research-driven and experientially-based, (2) the professor as an embedded project member, and (3) community partners as project mentors. Through these features, learning outcomes are built upon a classroom-based, collaborative, and research-driven foundation; together with unique interactions with the professor and community-based experts in the field.
Nicole Campbell (Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry)
Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and Physiology and Pharmacology
Nicole’s project involved effectively communicating learning outcomes to students and assessing and recognizing student achievement of Western’s core competencies. She developed an interactive visual syllabus that linked program and course outcomes to teaching activities and assessments, design self-assessment rubrics for students to measure their proficiency levels on Western’s core competencies, and incorporate ePortfolios and online badging to support these initiatives. She researched the impact of these initiatives by exploring how improved transparency of outcomes allows students to engage in deeper learning as well as examining the impact of student self-assessment to determine the most effective ways to promote student reflection on and integration of knowledge.
Peter Ferguson (Social Science)
Assistant Professor, Political Science Department
Peter worked collaboratively with librarians to design online modules that support the development of information literacy skills among undergraduate students.
George Gadanidis (Mathematics Education)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Using documentaries of this work (, George developed a freely accessible online Math-for-Teachers textbook for the 2-year BEd program. The textbook includes classroom videos, animations, simulations, and interactive explorations.
Tom Haffie and Lindi Wahl (Science)
Tom: Lecturer, Biology & Lindi: Professor, Applied Mathematics
For Tom and Lindi’s joint project, they embedded undergraduate and graduate students into Science education as active and essential partners. To achieve this goal, they developed the Student Fellowship in Science Education, designed and taught a new for-credit multidisciplinary course on the theory and practice of science education, and developed a graduate-undergraduate student mentoring program.
Sarah Mclean (Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry)
Assistant Professor, Bachelor of Medical Sciences Program BMSUE Educator/eLearning Coordinator
Sarah is an Educator and eLearning coordinator for Basic Medical Sciences Undergraduate Education at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. Her research interests include assessing students' interactions with online learning materials as well as their perception of the instructor in blended courses. Sarah focused on creating online rat dissection and 'choose your own adventure' experimental simulations that help students gain 'hands-on' anatomy experience in virtual laboratory environments.
Paul Mensink (Science)
Assistant Professor, Biology and Centre for Environment and Sustainability
Paul’s project focused on the impact of immersive technologies (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality, immersive video) on student motivation, engagement, and scientific literacy in undergraduate and graduate courses at Western. In particular, Paul focused on interdisciplinary environmental courses and engaging students with STEM subject matter related to sustainability and climate change education. He established a research program dedicated to identifying the key benefits of immersive education by testing the efficacy of immersive technologies in properly controlled studies. Paul built capacity for employing immersive technologies at Western by overseeing the development of a virtual library of digital learning objects and creating evidence-based training resources such as online video tutorials and guides.
Katrina Moser (Social Science)
Associate Professor, Geography and Environment
Katrina’s project integrated western science and Indigenous ways of knowing to teach and empower students to take action on climate change through the development of a blended module-based experiential learning course. In partnership with Sara Mai Chitty (Curriculum & Pedagogy Advisor, Office of Indigenous Initiatives) and Dr. Beth Hundey (eLearning & Curriculum Specialist, Centre for Teaching and Learning), the course was developed as a series of online learning modules requiring a shift in the traditional teaching approach, from understanding with our minds to a deeper awareness that comes from Indigenous ways of knowing that engage the mind, body, emotion, and spirit. The course will be the cornerstone for the new Climate Change and Society Major, the first of such programs offered in Canada. The modules will be made available to other courses at Western and at other post-secondary institutions, as well as to interested community groups, governmental agencies, and businesses, with the goal of transforming climate change education!
Immaculate Namukasa (Education)
Associate Professor, Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
Immaculate developed and facilitated interactive modules, coordinated workshops, and established a community of practice, all centred around maker activities (i.e., technology supported do-it-yourself activities in which participants created physical, sensory, and/or digital objects).
Quazi Rahman (Engineering)
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Quazi created an online hub designed to engage Engineering students in learning and practicing programming in a variety of programming languages. The interactive online modules created as part of the project introduced programming languages commonly used in industry, research, and high performance computing to students from all disciplines. The modules included playful resources and hands on activities that offer students the option to engage with the modules at their own pace even before joining Western. Ultimately, this project provided students with an enhanced online computer-programming experience that helped them develop skills that are necessary for career opportunities in programming related fields.
Sophie Roland (Don Wright Faculty of Music)
Associate Professor, Music Performance
Sophie enhanced the way in which experiential learning is delivered in the International Summer Operatic Program, Accademia Europea dell’Opera, in order to match 21st century professional qualifications demands. To achieve this goal, she (1) expanded the current program with pre-departure, re-entry, and professional development modules to support experiential learning in the program and (2) designed and conducted an assessment of the impact of the program on participants’ learning and professional skills development.
Sandra Smeltzer (Information and Media Studies)
Associate Professor, Information and Media Studies
Sandra created a community of practice for faculty members interested in enriching current international service learning and research. She developed a new theory/praxis seminar course for FIMS that critically examined concepts and case studies of service learning and how they intersect with the field of media studies and communications.
Kim Solga (Arts and Humanities)
Professor, English and Writing Studies
Kim’s project involved developing and evaluating two different models of collaborative interdisciplinary pedagogy. The first is a collaboration between Theatre Studies and Psychology, refining an existing community engaged learning partnership across two courses and including City Studio London. The second model is a partnership between colleagues in Theatre Studies and Philosophy who created a course on the work of 17th Century philosopher and playwright Margaret Cavendish. Kim also engaged in a mixed research program with her partners on the course projects, exploring instructor experiences of designing and implementing the two models of collaborative interdisciplinary pedagogy through an auto-ethnographical methodology, as well as determining the impact of those courses on students using survey and interviews.
Thomas Telfer (Law)
Professor, Law
Thomas integrated mental health and mindfulness education into Western’s Law program. He raised awareness of mental health issues, reduce stigma, and build student resiliency through the development and implementation of a new mental health education program. He also revised and extended an existing first-year non-credit mindfulness course in Law, creating an optional upper-year for-credit Law course that supported students’ personal, academic, and professional well-being through its focus on mindfulness, emotional intelligence and professionalism. Further, he conducted research on the impact of these mental health and mindfulness initiatives.
David Walton (Health Sciences)
Associate Professor, School of Physical Therapy
David designed the curriculum for a new one-year course-based Master’s degree in Interprofessional Pain Management. This unique program was the first collaborative team integrated competency-based (CTIC) graduate program in Pain Management in the world.
Bethany White (Science Education)
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences
Bethany's research interests relate to the impact of structured technology-enabled activities and course formats on students' learning and attitudes. Her Teaching Fellow project involved the development and evaluation of adaptive online learning modules that target challenging foundational statistical concepts.