Weekly eLearning Q&A Drop-in Q&As

To assist instructors in preparing for teaching in the Fall and Winter term, The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western Technology Services (WTS), and the Instructional Technology Resource Centre (ITRC) will be hosting weekly Drop In Q&A sessions. The goal of these sessions are to provide faculty the opportunity to ask questions related to teaching in the online format. 

If you still have questions after reviewing the videos on Online Course Design, join us at our weekly Drop-in Q&As for instructors.  

At each Q&A, an eLearning Specialist from the Centre for Teaching and Learning and an eLearning Technology Specialist from Western Technology Services join together to field your questions.  Instructors and staff can register for the Q&As at the links below any time leading up to or during the sessions.

Q&A Schedule

Wed Dec 16, 1-2pm

Thurs Dec 17, 11am-12pm

Wed Jan 6, 1pm-2pm

Thurs Jan 7, 11am-12pm


If you have any questions or problems registering for an event, please contact ctl@uwo.ca. 

For more information about eLearning and online course support for Fall 2020, visit our eLearning webpage here for a variety of options to help faculty and teaching assistants as they move courses online.

Looking for Online & Alternative Assessment ideas that could provide an alternative to your face-to-face final exam? When selecting an alternative assessment, consider if it allows students to demonstrate the core learning outcomes of your course. Learn more here.