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eLearning at the CTL
Upcoming eLearning Workshops
The CTL eLearning Team offers eLearning Workshops throughout the academic year to encourage innovation and growth in your online and blended classrooms. Each session offers practical ways to create better online learning experiences for students.
Upcoming eLearning Workshops
The Generative AI Community of Practice is a group of faculty and staff interested in the pedagogical use of generative AI. We discuss strategies and share resources for integrating generative AI into course design, assessment, and learning experiences to support learning objectives and to help students develop practical skills around the use of generative AI. Anyone interested in the educational implications of generative AI is welcome to join us!
The Generative AI Community of Practice is a group of faculty and staff interested in the pedagogical use of generative AI. We discuss strategies and share resources for integrating generative AI into course design, assessment, and learning experiences to support learning objectives and to help students develop practical skills around the use of generative AI. Anyone interested in the educational implications of generative AI is welcome to join us!
How to Register for an Upcoming eLearning Event in Western Connect:
Registration Instructions
Limited to instructors
- Login to Western Connect using your Western username and password.
- Go to the Centre for Teaching and Learning section. Select Event Calendar and select the event you wish to register in. Details and a description of the program will appear.
- Select the Register for this Event button. If the event has reached capacity, you may have the option to register on the waitlist.
- You will receive an automated confirmation email to your Western email account.
If you have any questions or problems registering for an event, please consult our FAQs or contact ctl@uwo.ca.
Previous workshops include:
Rethinking Academic Integrity in a GenAI World
January and February 2024
Generative AI is having a significant impact on how we think about teaching and learning in Higher Education, particularly with regards to Academic Integrity and ethical use. In this session, we will discuss Academic Integrity through a values-based approach to explore practical ways of (re)establishing this culture in light of advances in Generative AI.
Introduction to Generative AI in Teaching and Learning
January and February 2024
This session gives a broad overview of the nature of Generative AI and implications of using AI for teaching and learning at the post-secondary level. We will cover potential use cases of Generative AI as well as examples of where Generative AI in the classroom is not recommended. Join us to learn more about the benefits and challenges of Generative AI.
AI Playground
This session offers guided exploration of different AI tools, including text-to-text, text-to-image, and other tools of interest to educators. The session will be structured as a series of prompts, activities, and reflections specifically designed to explore possible applications and limitations of AI in course and assessment design.
AI Assessment Design Retreat
January and February 2024
This retreat is designed for instructors who are strongly considering or already planning to incorporate Generative AI for any combination of activities or assessments into a course. Join like-minded colleagues to exchange ideas, work though opportunities and challenges, and come away with a well-designed plan for introducing Generative AI as an instructional approach.
Top Tips for Simultaneously Teaching In-Person and Online
December 8, 2023
Are you teaching a class where students can attend lessons either in-person or online at the same time? If so, join the CTL for this session on simultaneously teaching students across these two modalities and discover our top tips for setting participation expectations and effectively utilizing technology to create an engaging student experience. You can join us online or in-person for this session.
CATs (Classroom Assessment Techniques) for All Class Sizes
December 7, 2023
CATs are feedback gathering techniques that provide insight into the gap between what we teach and what students learn. Participants will learn how Classroom Assessment Techniques fit into lesson designs as well as choose and apply a CAT that fits your own discipline.
Creating Robust Discussion Forums
September 5, 2023
Participants will explore the best times to use discussion forums in their courses, practice constructing a strong prompt to facilitate deep meaningful discussions, and the implementation of key tactics for overcoming common challenges associated with discussion forums.
Generative AI Institute (August 2023)
August 30, 2023
Session 1: Introduction to Generative AI in Teaching and Learning
This session gives a broad overview of the nature of Generative AI and implications of using AI for teaching and learning at the post-secondary level. We will cover potential use cases of Generative AI as well as examples of where Generative AI in the classroom is not recommended. Join us to learn more about the benefits and challenges of Generative AI.
Session 2: Crafting a Generative AI Statement for Your Syllabus
Generative AI has raised a host of questions and concerns around academic integrity, fair use, and other ethical dilemmas. Workshop participants will create a draft syllabus statement specific to a course of their choice that reflects course policies around their choice of Generative AI in the course and communicates how policies support student learning and academic integrity in the course.
Session 3: Design Retreat for Incorporating Generative AI into Your Course
This retreat is designed for instructors who are strongly considering or already planning to incorporate Generative AI for any combination of activities or assessments into a course. Join like-minded colleagues to exchange ideas, work though opportunities and challenges, and come away with a well-designed plan for introducing Generative AI as an instructional approach.
Defining and Assessing Student Participation in Small Classes
August 29, 2023
How do you measure student participation in class? Do you struggle to justify participation grades to students? This session will explore different methods to define and assess student participation in small classes, including appropriate ways to communicate expectations to students.
Top Tips for Simultaneously Teaching In-Person and Online
August 29, 2023
Are you teaching a class where students can attend lessons either in-person or online at the same time? If so, join the CTL for this session on simultaneously teaching students across these two modalities and discover our top tips for setting participation expectations and effectively utilizing technology to create an engaging student experience.
Getting the Most out of your OWL Site
September 5 & August 28, 2023
As you prepare for a new semester, it's time to set up your OWL site to support and transform your students' face-to-face, online, or blended classroom experience. Join the CTL for helpful tips. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own strategies.
Chat GPT Workshop
March 14 & 15, 2023
In this workshop, we will begin by examining what ChatGPT is and how it works, including its current limitations and some concerns it raises in the delivery of education. This prepares us for a peer discussion on how ChatGPT can be useful in an instructor's work and the future of higher education.
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) Workshop
February 16, 2023
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) are simple, anonymous, non-graded activities that provide feedback to instructors and students alike on the teaching-learning process. This workshop covers the basics of CATs, how to digitize common CATs for classes of all sizes, and will allow participants the opportunity to design their own CATs for their lessons.
Classroom Technology (in-person/ online)
December 13 & 15, 2022
Workshop Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, attendees will:
- be able to identify the major components and spaces of the A/V systems that enable the classrooms to support simultaneous in-person and online synchronous instruction, e.g., A/V Bridge to Zoom, in-class screens, ceiling microphones, etc., and how to use them.
- be able to identify how to adapt in-class teaching approaches to also engage students in the online synchronous modalities (i.e., synchronous in-class and online).
Navigating security in online classrooms: Q&A with WTS and CTL
August 25, 2020
Remote meeting platforms such as Zoom offer instructors opportunities for student engagement and interaction. Using these tools effectively includes the ability to mitigate potential security risks that may arise. In this session, Western Technology Services (WTS) and Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will present various security settings in Zoom. Significant time will be dedicated to questions and conversation on integrating these settings into your teaching context as well as debriefing security incidents in the classroom.
Q&A with eLearning Specialists from CTL and WTS
March 2020 to August 2022
CTL eLearning Specialists and eLearning Technology Specialists from WTS offer drop-in Q&A sessions at the beginning and end of the semester.
For instructor eLearning questions and support, please contact elearning-support@uwo.ca.
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