Western Institute for Research on Teaching and Learning


The Western Institute for Research on Teaching and Learning is a three-day hands-on interactive workshop designed to support faculty in the development of all aspects of their research on teaching and learning (RTL) projects. The basics of RTL are addressed and, with the support of experienced educational researchers, participants work individually and in small groups to develop their own projects.


  • finding the RTL literature
  • qualitative and quantitative research design for RTL
  • navigating research ethics
  • funding sources for RTL projects
  • knowledge mobilization.


By the end of the Institute, successful participants will be able to:

  • develop an effective search strategy to find research articles for their RTL projects
  • design an RTL project to address their research question(s)
  • complete a research ethics protocol
  • identify appropriate conferences and peer reviewed publications to mobilize their findings.

Program Information

June 25 - 27, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Registration is now closed


Instructors, librarians, and archivists interested in RTL.


Registration Instructions

  1. Login to Western Connect using your Western username and password.
  2. Go to the Event Calendars section and select the Centre for Teaching and Learning calendar, then select the program you wish to register in. Details and a description of the program will appear.
  3. Select the Register for this Event button. If the event has reached capacity, you may have the option to register on the waitlist.
  4. You will receive an automated confirmation email to your Western email account. 

If you have any questions or problems registering for an event, please consult our help guide or contact ctl@uwo.ca.

Prerequisites / Recommended Preparation

Participants should have a RTL question in mind or a general RTL area of interest identified.

Completion Requirements

Participants must attend all three days of the program in order to receive a certificate of completion (roughly eight hours each day).


Typically offered annually in May/June.

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