The first step of course design is to either construct or revise course learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are statements that clearly describe what students should know, are able to do, and what they should value at the completion of the learning experience.
Learning outcomes are written from the student’s perspective. They should include verbs that communicate clearly to students the actions relate to knowledge or skills they are attempting to achieve during your course. Here is a resource to help you draft learning outcomes using appropriate verbs: Learning Outcomes Verbs for Drafting (.pdf)
Learning outcomes typically include the following elements:
- a short and consistent stem such as “By the end of this course/program, successful students will be able to…”
- an action verb that identifies the depth of learning expected
- a statement of the learning to be demonstrated - addressing the what
- a statement of the context in which this learning will occur - addressing the how? or why?
Learning outcomes are most influential when students can see the connection between intended course outcomes and course requirements (i.e. activities and assessments). Consider taking one of the following approaches for making this connection clear:
- list course outcomes and assignments side-by-side to show how each outcome is to be demonstrated
- include a paragraph in your syllabus that articulates how students will work towards the learning outcomes
- explain the course's learning outcomes to students on the first day of class
- revisit learning outcomes regularly throughout the course to show students how course concepts connect to one another
Here are resources that can help you consider the learning activities, eLearning tools, and assessments that will align with your crafted learning outcomes: Constructive Alignment Chart (.docx) as well as to conduct a review of your learning outcomes Reviewing your Learning Outcomes Checklist (.docx)
You should align course learning outcomes at the lesson, course, program, or degree level. A connection should be made between the learning that is expected at each of these types. A concept learned in class should connect to the broader outcomes of the course, which in turn contributes to the outcomes of the program and the expectations for the degree completion.